Video Test
Here’s one about cats, what a surprise.test
Here’s one about cats, what a surprise.test
For the next leg of this trip I rented a car in Boston with a drop off in Gaithersburg, MD a week later. After a stop at Newbury Crafters, I got to Bar Harbor in time to book passage on …
Well, I made it to Boston. Stayed in a back bay Airbnb. Yup, all Melody’s idea, and a good one at that. There were lots of boats moonlighting as Airbnb’s. This one really stood out. You can see more at: …
Hard to believe I’ve been on the road ten days. Chicago was awesome! Only drawback was the heat, and I dodged the really hot days. I highly recommend the Livingston B&B. The accommodations are excellent and the rates reasonable. All …
Leaving on a six week road trip next monday. Got numerous checklists, a new pack pack and a booster shot, so this should go smoothly, right? If past experiences are any indication, I’ll find out what the first thing I …
Don’t know how I’ll tie those two together but they were both on my mind today. For one reason or another I nostalgically wandered into a “five and dime” store I used to visit with my mom and grandmother. I …
Well, new to me anyway. Saw this boat when I was walking the docks that I seldom visit, on the far end of the harbor. I can appreciate the hours put in on this boat. The builder fiberglassed every inch …
Anniversaries trigger memories, that they do. I’ve never been good with anniversaries. I’ve long ago given up feeling guilt over forgetting them. It (the guilt) doesn’t change the behavior of forgetting. After deciding to not accept the guilt it was …
Alaska, where carrying a weapon is mandatory, even when mowing the lawn.
“We all die, but we are not gone as long as we are remembered.” Don’t know who first said that but I think about it often. My generation is approaching the time when we will only exist as memories. One …