Lost Drafts
Going through the site for some Fall cleaning and found a draft I never revisited, until today. Oh well, thought I’d send it out there anyway. This one is over one year old. I’m still looking for Diamond Willow. Went …
Going through the site for some Fall cleaning and found a draft I never revisited, until today. Oh well, thought I’d send it out there anyway. This one is over one year old. I’m still looking for Diamond Willow. Went …
Seems like no two photos of the spit from this location are the same. It’s one of my favorite spots to watch the sunrise and see yet another unique view of the spit. When I showed you some of my …
I heard myself answering the usual “How long have you lived in Alaska” question with this. “I’ve been an Alaskan all my life. I just didn’t know it until I moved here”. Actually, as you know, it took moving here …