B/227th AHB, First Cavalry Division. The “Good Deal” Company’s 50th reunion (for our part anyway).
Phase one of reunion tour complete. It was rough duty as usual and I don’t have any photos of the gang except Goose. I’ll welcome any photos of the event that you guys can send me. Let me know if you don’t want them published here, because anything published here is available for download.
KC was in fine form and we had a great view from our room.
We spent one night on tornado watch as there was one that touched down just southeast of us. Unfortunately, it lifted back into the clouds before the storm reached us. Of course there were some of us who preferred to remain in the interior of the building as advised by the hotel staff. But I had my wildlife expert T shirt on , so we figured what could possibly go wrong.
We did a lot of walking tourist stuff.
The Convention Center was right across the street from us and it spans a large freeway. The four towers suspend the middle of the building which is over the freeway.
Across the next street is the Performing Arts Center.
Most all of it, from this side anyway. There is a huge glass section on the other side.
Goose and I walked down to the WWI memorial. Getting off the light rail I saw a sculpture Roger could appreciate. I don’t know any others qualified to “fly” all of these.This is Goose taking a picture of me taking a picture of him taking a ……… and so on.
If you want to know why Roger would appreciate it, it is best told by him.
The WWI Memorial. No comment.
This was the best view I could get from the memorial. The tower was closed so I planned to get back the next day but it was too drunk out.
This is from the base of the tower.
One of the local POVs.
Back in Denver now. It will be kids and grand children until the next reunion.
That one is with the grunts that secured the crash site where Goose was shot down and four other of our comrades perished. It was an event that shattered lives and brought us all closer together over the next 49 years. The healing is ongoing and couldn’t happen without the loving support of our friends and families. Thank you all.
Talk to Y’all down the line.
A little warmer than Homer, Denver’s weather is almost perfect.
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