Things That Need Changing, Or Not
Warning, this post contains material that may offend. It is rated DC for depressing content. It does have a puppy pic at the end.
Time to move our clocks one hour. Like we have the power to delay the seasons. It is a good time to see just how much of our lives we have given up to technology. When you reach the point where all of the devices we depend on to determine our current location in this time line automatically adjust for “daylight savings”, you are pretty much there. I still have a few that need manual adjustment. When your refrigerator and stove adjust automatically and Alexa prepares your weekly shopping list whether you want it or not, congratulations, you’ve arrived.
After dropping my ballot in the slot at the post office I reflected on the value of my vote in a system that has an electoral college. Like daylight savings, it seems that everyone ( or at least a few of us ) agree that it is time to change the system. For a brief time the talking heads will have a short feature on the system and whether or not it needs changing. If they interview another ( higher level ) talking head for comment, they will usually conclude that there should be a public “conversation”. And there it dies. Is “states rights” getting a little out of control? I know the founding fathers were trying to prevent another monarchy but it seems that it enables voter suppression and a host of partisanship. How about a separate federal election? We could hold it on Facebook. What could possibly go wrong?
Judging from all the things our generation has failed to fix, I think it is a bit unrealistic to expect our kids to magically repair all the damage. We haven’t given them the tools to do that. More accurately, they won’t succeed using the same tools. They will have to find totally new ways to effect change. That won’t be a problem for our grandchildren. Their brains will be wired differently than ours. In “Childhood’s End” Arthur C Clarke saw a world where war was suddenly impossible. In this world we quickly (within a few generations) evolved into peaceful, cerebral and omnipotent beings. Arthur C Clarke had a lot more faith in our species than I.
I’m asking all of you out there to use the comment section below. Please list the things that need changing or preserving and I’ll edit this post to reflect that. Or, if enough request, I’ll take it all back.
As of Oct 14, 2020:
Daylight Savings
The Electoral College
Social Discourse
The Worship of Guns, which begats Glorifying War
Climate Change
Food Deserts
Demonizing Diversity
Editorial additions:
What needs changing and how will be up to our grandchildren. It is time for real change; without it our grandchildren will not have any grandchildren. I just hope they have enough time.
I apologize for such a negative tone. Right now it is time for a sign of optimism. A rainbow for the boatyard.
Amy and Josh
Just Josh.
Hope that helps.
All of these are facets of the one true problem: Capitalism. None of them can be fixed until we take care of that.
Reading: lies My Teacher Told me.
How the South Won the Civil War.
Braiding Sweet Grass.
Soul of America.
and more.