Hunting For Red July
No, no submarines in this post. It is the second week of July in Soldotna and the hunt for Sockeyes has begun. Tony and I took the boat to the “secret bank” the other day and got five.
The small ones were males, probably headed way up stream to the Trail Lakes system.
The Kenai has been very high and muddy because of rain. This is a photo of Eagle Rock. It’s depth varies with the tide but the picture is significant because it is so muddy that there is only one boat out fishing for Kings and there is usually 3 to 4 more feet of the rock showing.
It has gone down a bit and is clearing up, plus they opened it up to bait today so Tony and I are trying for Kings tomorrow. Sundays are usually better because guides have a mandatory day off that day. Dip netting on the Kenai starts tomorrow so we have a lot of Anchorage folks in town. The opening is usually very slow and the dipping (as well as all other Red fishing) will get better in about a week.
Bill Toppa showed up yesterday and is getting his boat reddy for Kings and Silvers so we will be going out again I’m sure.
Meanwhile, the hunt for Reds continues; less than 200,000 in the river so far so we are just getting started. I need three a day to reach my goal of 200 packages of smoked reds. Hopefully, there is a lot of catching, cleaning, smoking and vacuum packing left to do this month.
Watch this space cause the weather is perfect.
I’m pretty sure the submarines don’t come in until October.