Equipment Rolling In
Dry wall is up and mudded and we’re ready for flooring.
Then the new equipment and all the old equipment that is still useable. That is a walk-in refrigerator in the corner. It is super insulated and draws less current than the LED lights in the ceiling.
Next will be the stove, two vent hoods and as much shelving as will fit. The sink is functioning and the hot water heater is running, so the cleaning can begin, the goal is to open the front kitchen and creperie by next Wednesday.
Other than excavation, framing, electrical, plumbing and flooring, all the other work has been done by the regular kitchen staff. Seems like they have other skills as well. It has been some kind of directed chaos with Melody and Scott directing or performing all the tasks from “developer to janitor”. We are in the home stretch now, we just have to learn how to install the hoods over the stove and ovens. The bids were $70K and sometime next millennium so easy peasy right.
At least the weather is perfect for it.
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