About Me (isn’t everything)


1964: after high school, life begins. Asked by university to consider not returning to OSU after the first year.

1966: drafted; grunt, door gunner, HU1 pilot. Out in Dec ’70.

1972: married, joined fire dept and bought first house over a 6 month span.

1980: moved family (which now consisted of wife Teri, daughter Amy and son Ryan) to CO. 1990: moved all to bush Alaska to work for the dark side (the FAA). Started Blog to keep family and friends up on our whereabouts.

Retired in March 2010.

In Feb 2012 sold house in Alaska. By May had bought in Redmond and completed the move.

I’ve been on the road since June 2015. Click “Our Story” for the story of how I got to here: Our Story . It is long (as it begins in 1969) and subject to constant revision as recollection improves or are augmented with new information.

Eventually landed in Homer AK, met some new friends…..

Melody & Eli


and found my home. I recently heard myself answering the question, “How long have you been in Alaska” with, “I’ve been an Alaskan all my life, I just didn’t realize it until I tried to leave”.